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WIES Conference Takeaway
  • More women should opt for STEM streams so that we do not lose talent and they become future workforce.

  • Activities should be organized where women and men can have an inclusive participation for building meaningful relationships in business.

  • Women must follow unconventional ways to be successful. Passion and perseverance should be used as the fuel that drives women excel and to see women as real assets of the company and not only as a gender.

  • We need to empower women with core competencies and traits required for the job rather than restricting them with only a certain skill set. It’s time to change our attitude and assign jobs on basis of skills and competency irrespective of the person’s gender.

  • To close the gender gap, companies should promote practices and policies that allow for parental leave, work from home, flexible working hours, introducing fair employment practices, anti-discrimination measures, etc.

  • A woman’s career progression in an organization should not be planned same as that of a man, because unlike man, a women has to juggle between work, family and other responsibilities. A women must thus work on herself, improvising her skill set while managing her work and home.

  • There are enough women in engineering but their growth needs to be watched and encouraged. There is no dearth of women in engineering but there are many drop outs from this pool on the climb up the ladder. It is important to assess the reasons for these and find ways of arresting this loss.

  • Women must imbibe a switch on/ off policy so that their attention does not get divided between work and home, give their 100% and perform better at both the places.

  • Not enough women are opting for courses which take them to the field –for e.g. Oceanography. Therefore, more role models and success stories need to be captured, articulated and communicated, starting from schools, universities till the workplace.

  • Organization should use learning & development program as an equalizer within the organization.

  • Use of a 6 week intensive induction experience to bring all new employees to one common platform and actually set the context for an inclusive experience within the organization

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